Brendan Lemieux Either Got Drilled In The Face With A Bazooka Or Took A Left Jab From Evander Kane. You Be The Judge

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Brendan Lemieux may not be the most respected player in the league. He may not be the most well-liked or even tolerated player in the league. But he's going to accomplish something that nobody else in the NHL has been able to do. Which is to get everybody on Evander Kane's side for a change. 

Evander Kane is right up at the top of the list for the most despised player in hockey right now, at least as far as fans are concerned. Seems like his teammates in San Jose hated him as well, but certainly not a fan favorite. We don't need to go into details about all the allegations against him, but it's suffice to say that he's probably not the best dude on the planet. And there are plenty of folks out there who are outraged at the fact that he's even playing professional hockey right now. With all that being said…well I don't think there was anyone who didn't enjoy the shit out of this altercation in last night's game between Edmonton and LA. 


Always hard to feel bad for a rat that gets caught in a mouse trap, ya know? The good news is he already lives in LA, so maybe his agent can get him a role or two in any Judd Apatow movies coming up. The fella's a natural. 

Sidenote: Speaking of great performances last night, Drew Doughty's 1000th game speech was all-time. 

That's a hockey player if I've ever heard one.


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